To Live Your Best Life, Focus On This

Welcome to ALIGNED

The Newsletter for Living a Life of Abundant Good
with Spiritual Life Coach Joselito Laudencia

January 21, 2025 edition

Dear Reader,

A couple weeks ago, I led the members in our monthly Abundant Good Journey in our annual spiritual practice of Visioning Your Best Life.

As one of our community members shared, “I’m so grateful for this community and this process. It’s helpful to do this every year. I’m feeling inspired and excited for what’s to come.”

To live your best life, you have to first understand what your best life is.

What does your best life look like? What does it feel like?

Essentially, what is your heart’s highest vision for your life?

When you begin to get greater clarity, the question eventually arises:

How do I make that vision into reality?

When it comes to bringing your vision into your real-life experience, most people think that they have to focus on the vision.

But there’s something even more powerful than the vision that you can focus on.

Curious to find out what that is? Then read on, my dear friend.

Now let’s get ALIGNED…

Inspirational Quote

"You must start practicing being the version of yourself in your vision now so that when your vision arrives, you can sustain and enjoy it."
- Justin Michael Williams

The Story and The Spiritual Lesson

Over twenty years ago, I ran my first marathon in New Orleans, Louisiana. (I wrote about this story in my book “The Creative Impulse: Answering the Highest Calling of Your Heart.”)

If you’re not familiar, a marathon course is 26.2 miles. That’s a lot of running!

When I first thought about running, I attended an informational session to learn what it would entail:

  • Six months of rigorous training
  • Meeting up every Saturday with progressively longer runs, starting at 3 miles and eventually building up to 26 miles
  • Running and lifting weights on my own during the week
  • Drastic changes to my diet.

As I sat in that informational session, my palms got sweaty, my stomach was queasy, and my mind went back and forth with the “Should I? or “Shouldn’t I?”.

After 10 minutes of waffling in my own head, I took a deep breath. I signed the form, wrote down my credit card information for the registration, and handed it in.

Six months later, after training week after week, I successfully completed the marathon.

Later that night, my best friend Vann was stretching my legs for me on the floor of our hotel room, and I said to him, “I can’t believe I ran 26.2 miles today and I got to cross the finish line. I did it!”

Vann replied, “Today wasn’t the day that you did it.”

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“You may have crossed the physical finish line today, but you completed this race months ago,” he responded. “You did it on the day that you signed up and committed to do the marathon. Once you did that, it was already a done deal. All you had to do was go through the motions.”

Pretty insightful of my best friend, right?

You see, crossing the finish line was my vision.

Your vision is an idea that exists as a perfect idea in the mind of God, already a done deal in the quantum fabric of the Universe.

But to bring that vision into my actual experience, I had to change.

I had to see myself as the person successfully crossing the finish line.

I had to become a marathoner.

When it comes to achieving your desires and living your best life, the key question to focus on is this:

Who must you become?

This question is the focus of your affirmations, your prayers, your daily actions, and your guiding inspiration.

Who must you become to allow this vision to manifest in your life?

How must you grow? What must you change?

What do you have to let go in order to create space for this vision to show up?

Here's the spiritual lesson:

When you focus on becoming, you don’t make your vision happen. Remember, your vision is already a done deal. Instead, you have to become big enough to match the big vision of your heart.

As the saying goes, "Don't tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is."

Your Call to Action

Think about a desire that you’d like to experience in your life, whether that’s related to your health, relationships, finance, career, creative expression, personal growth, home, or anything else that comes to mind.

Get clear on what this desire looks and feels like, and why you want it.

Then ask yourself these questions:

  • Who must I become to allow this desire to come into my life?
  • How must I change?
  • What do I have to let go to create space for this desire to show up?

Write down your answers and then make those answers visible and a part of your daily spiritual practice.

As one of our Abundant Good community members aptly stated:

“In order to attract my best life, I have to go ahead and just start living my best life.”

Now go forth and become the YOU of your dreams.

Abundant Blessings and Namaste.

Abundant Good News and Notes

Visioning Your Best 2025: If you’d like to purchase the replay of our recent gathering of “Visioning Your Best 2025,” you can learn about and practice the intuitive art of Visioning. Click here to learn more.

The Magician's Path: Our next gathering of the Abundant Good Journey happens on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 9:30am Pacific Time. The topic is "The Magician's Path," where we explore the idea that life isn't about pushing to make things happen. It's about allowing life's goodness to come to you and to express through you, in the most powerful, fun and magical ways. To learn more about the Abundant Good Journey, click here.

Thanks for reading ALIGNED!

If you have any questions or want to share what you thought about this newsletter, hit reply and let me know.

Abundant Blessings,
Joselito Laudencia

Spiritual Life Coach, Teacher, Speaker
Author, The Creative Impulse: Answering the Highest Calling of Your Heart

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255 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Joselito Laudencia

Helping leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries get clear on their next steps in life, with more joy, more freedom and more ease, all on your terms. Founder and CEO of Abundant Good Coaching and Training. Based in Los Angeles, CA.

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