Dear Reader,
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2024, it’s helpful to create the space and the time to reflect. Reflection is an important spiritual practice. Reflection helps you to take a step back, to celebrate how you've grown, and to breathe some relief into all the challenges you've faced. Reflection also acts as a stepping stone for clarifying how you want to move forward. With this in mind, I'm happy to share with you our upcoming December virtual mini-retreat called "Reflecting on 2024, Planting Seeds for 2025." In this virtual mini-retreat, you will have the opportunity to:
If you are feeling the need for clarity, direction, guidance and grounding, and being with others in sacred spiritual community, I invite you to sign up for this virtual mini-retreat today. Here are the specific details for this gathering: WHEN: Saturday, December 7, 2024, 9:30am to 11am Pacific Time (12:30pm to 2pm Eastern Time) WHERE: This event will be held on Zoom. WHAT TO BRING: A journal or notebook, comfortable clothes, and an open heart. COST: The price for this virtual gathering is $97. NOTE: Registration closes 24 hours beforehand on December 6, 2024 at 9:30am PT. (If you're already part of the monthly Abundant Good Journey, this retreat is included as part of the community.)
Here's what one person from said about participating in one of our virtual retreats: "It was truly nourishing to spend this time creating a sacred community with others who want to bring beauty, joy and good things into the world, and to spend the time connecting to my own heart. It feels like a rejuvenating balm to have had this experience and to carry it with me from here forward." - Roselie If you're feeling the nudge to join us, I encourage you to sign up to register today. To your spaciousness, peace of mind and heart, and sacred self-care...
Abundant Blessings, Joselito
Helping leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries get clear on their next steps in life, with more joy, more freedom and more ease, all on your terms. Founder and CEO of Abundant Good Coaching and Training. Based in Los Angeles, CA.
Welcome to ALIGNED The Newsletter for Living a Life of Abundant Goodwith Spiritual Life Coach Joselito Laudencia March 4, 2025 edition Dear Reader, Years ago, I met a young woman who shared with me her dream. Let's call her Janet. For years, Janet had wanted to start her own line of work where she could care for special needs children. When I asked her what might be stopping her from pursuing this dream, she sheepishly replied, “Because I’ve become too comfortable with my life, and it takes...
Welcome to ALIGNED The Newsletter for Living a Life of Abundant Goodwith Spiritual Life Coach Joselito Laudencia February 18, 2025 edition Dear Reader, Have you been feeling an inordinate amount of stress lately? If you've been feeling stressed out or anxious, know that you're not alone. I've been talking with a lot of people who've felt ungrounded and shaken up, especially by events in the world around them. In times like these, taking care of yourself becomes vitally important. That's why...
Welcome to ALIGNED The Newsletter for Living a Life of Abundant Goodwith Spiritual Life Coach Joselito Laudencia February 4, 2025 edition Dear Reader, Do you have a regular spiritual practice? When I ask this question, I often hear responses like, “Well, I meditate once in a while, but I really should be doing it more.” But did you know that there are countless other spiritual practices besides meditation? There’s even one kind of spiritual practice that many don’t think about as spiritual...